Graduated. Paired. Working.
We love all of our dogs that have gone through the program and there are a few fan favorites among the community!
Here you can view our dogs that are currently working to connect their child to the world. Take a look and find out how they are doing.
Class of 2021

Finne & Lydia
Mr. Finnegan or Finne for short is an English Cream Golden Retriever who was born on February 24th, 2019. This adorable little puppy’s favorite snack is any kind of dog treat he can get. He is very polite and doesn’t like to jump on people unless told to do. So smart! Finne likes his mealtimes, sprinklers on hot summers, things that fly. good belly rubs, the cold snow, and guess what? He’s a cuddler!
Class of 2021

Isa & Ben
Isa Bella or Isa is a Goldendoodle born on January 1st, 2019. Her favorite snack is Princess Treats considering that her nickname is “The Princess”! She loves to give cuddles, drink filtered water, and have deep pressure therapy. She does not like seeing rabbits in the back yard. A princess gets what she needs and nothing else!
Class of 2021

Harry & Veronica
Harry is another English Cream Golden Retriever born on April 16th, 2020. Just like Finne, he likes any and all kinds of dog treats. He like to have his mealtime, run through sprinklers, things that fly through the air, belly rubs, and of course cuddles! He doesn’t like going potty in the rain or any tickles between his toes. Watch out!
Class of 2022

Halo & Gavin
Halo is an English Cream Golden Retriever born on January 15th 2021. He also loves any kind of dog treat but dislikes when his food bowl is empty. He has many loves like playing with other dogs, naps, trying to catch raindrops, playing in the water, and eating every meal in his food bowl! But, the most important love of all that he has is that he loves kids!
Class of 2023

Bosley & Lilyana "Buggy"
Bosley is our star of the show right now! He is a Bernedoodle born on July 11th 2021 and a stealer of hearts. To win his heart (and his stomach), you can give him yummy Tiny Milkbones and frozen banana/yogurt treats. He loves a nice, long belly rub, long naps, going for a walk, and playing tug of war. With a face like that, I would let him win! He doesn’t like waiting for his food. He knows the basic commands like “sit” and “down” and his tasks that he should do is search and rescue, DPT, and tether/anchor.
Class of 2023

Oliver & Clay
Oliver is a cool and calm Bernese Mountain Dog, who loves being outdoors, meal times, and chilling with his people! He is excited to help a child on the spectrum live life to the fullest.
Class of 2024

Luca & Schyler
Luca is an enthusiastic and happy Irish Doodle. He enjoys running around in the backyard and his social times when meeting new people! He can’t wait to help a child with autism navigate their way!
Class of 2024

Kit & June
Kit is a Standard Poodle, who not only has a unique look, but prefers to be as close as she can, to every person that she meets. She is an absolute joy every day, and looks forward to helping build confidence with her child with autism!
Class of 2024

Reese is a Standard Poodle, who absolutely loves to hug every person he comes across. He loves being close to his people and giving them love on a regular basis. He looks forward to providing unlimited hugs to his child with autism!